Just back from a great afternoon yesterday with the XTerrace Platform team in Petticoat lane, E1, to help launch the official hat exhibition for October’s London Hat Week.

I felt very privileged to have one of two of my exhibition pieces on display for the special press preview event, seen here is Heald Wires, selected as one of the 30 pieces for the preview, at the afternoon’s fashion shoot.
Monique Lee Hylands-White, the inspirational Head of Fashion at The London Fashion Campus for Coventry University, organised the fantastic press launch, to highlight the forthcoming exhibition being organised by the XTerrace Platform. The afternoon was fun filled – we networked with the press & other milliners, watched the fashion shoot of our pieces in progress, nibbled cupcakes and sipped Pimms!
Really looking forward now to seeing Weft together with Heald Wires in the exhibition in October at the Private View on October 6th.