On September 30th Gok Wan brought his latest show to Newcastle, One Size Fits All, concentrating on building female self confidence and worth. I was delighted that Gok chose to include my latest millinery collection and have now created a page on my website called “The Gok Wan Collection” with some of the images from the catwalk show!

Here’s a selection of images from the detailed preparation that took place before the show started, which I think gives a taste of the feeling of anticipation and sheer fun that pervaded the day.
And some of the pieces that I showed on my catwalk show!
And some of the pieces that I showed on my catwalk show!

Image credits:
Nicola Canavan – IG @loveinfocusportraits
Lucy Prescott – IG @lucyprescottphotography
Lewis Hague – IG @haguephotography
Laura Thompson – IIG @Laura-tphotography